Our Experts Services is an advanced, fee-based service that provides access to our engineering experts for an in-depth assistance with your numerical modeling and analyses.

Consider this service when you would like guidance in the development of a numerical model, or an objective review of a complex model to strengthen your confidence.

Our specialists will work with you to determine the scope of work necessary and present you with a proposal outlining what would be required for a resolution. The proposal will include an estimate of all fees and expenses, with the initial consultation session provided free of charge.

If you have questions about modeling your specific problem, please contact us by sending email to

The first consultation session will be free.

Important! Details of our past Expert Services projects are not posted here to preserve our customer’s project confidentiality & anonymity.


Otte provide value-added service by offering our expertise to model our customers’ structural and geotechnical projects with our products. Our customers can reduce manpower cost by leveraging on our specialist knowledge of our software to create their model in a timely and affordable manner and design their structures/building confidently based on the analysis results.

If you have questions about modeling your specific problem, please contact us by sending email to

Important! Details of our past Expert Services projects are not posted here to preserve our customer’s project confidentiality & anonymity.