CSiPlant Latest Version: v 9.0.0
Many drawing and drafting utilities are built into CSiPlant to enhance the modeling experience including automatically creating elbows, reducers, Tees and generating multiple supports/links at any given point.
Many libraries including hundreds of ASME B31.3 materials/curves, SAP2000 material/sections, piping ASME B36.10 (w/m), Texas flanges and Velan valves.
Plans and Elevation
Plans and elevations views are automatically generated at every grid line to allow for quick navigation of the model.
Meshing Tools
Engineers have many options when it comes to mesh generation in CSiPlant. Simply select the pipe or frame object and then select the rules for the automatic mesh generator to use.
Joint Constraints
Apply rigid diaphragm or body constraints in which joints translate and rotate together in a rigid connection.
Generate pipeline networks easily with CSiPlant drawing tools. Fully customizable labeling scheme for each pipeline.
DirectX graphics with hardware accelerated graphics allow for navigation of models with fast rotations and multiple render modes including single line, double line and extruded.
Snap Tools
Snap tools including options to snap along lengths of object and orthogonal extension snapping capabilities.
Define component properties including valves and flanges.
Many different supports can be defined in CSiPlant including anchors, guides, line stops, vertical stops, rod hangers, snubbers, and spring hangers. Each can be applied as a 1-point or 2-point support to connect to other parts of the model. Users can specify gaps, friction, damping, and linear or nonlinear spring stiffness in each acting direction, and create customized pipe support libraries for reuse and standardization.
Pipe Properties
Pipe properties including insulation, cladding, pipe contents and lining type can be defined in CSiPlant.
Pipes can be drawn with multiple elbow types (regular and mitered), reducers and tees. You can change the elbow radius, remove/update reducers, and change tee branch size.
Choose from the complete AISC structural library of sections for analysis and design including wide flange, angles, channels, and tubes.
Choose from the complete AISC structural library of sections for analysis and design including wide flange, angles, channels, and tubes.
CSiPlant offers many different link elements available that accurately represent the behavior of a structure. Link elements types include linear, multi-linear elastic, multi-linear plastic, gaps, hooks, dampers, friction isolators, rubber isolators, and T/C isolators.
Acceleration Loading
Acceleration loading in CSiPlant can be applied in both translational and rotational directions. Acceleration loads can be applied as static or time history.
Automatic Code-Based Loading
CSiPlant will automatically generate and apply seismic and wind loads based on various domestic and international codes.
User Loads
CSiPlant is robust when it comes to load assignment. Uniform distributed line loads can be assigned in any direction, not just gravity. Thermal, strain and pressure loads can be assigned to frames or pipes. Point loads and ground displacement can be assigned to any joint.
a. Temperature loading
b. Pressure loading
c. Point/Distribution loads
Ritz Vector
Ritz vector modal analysis can provide a better basis than eigenvectors when used for response-spectrum or modal time-history analyses. Ritz vectors yield better results as they are generated by taking into account the spatial distribution of the dynamic loading, whereas natural mode shapes neglect this.
P-Delta Analysis
P-Delta analysis, also known as second-order geometric nonlinearity, involves the equilibrium and compatibility relationships of a structural system loaded about its deflected configuration. It also accounts for real world changes to element stiffness due to axial loads. P-Delta analysis is now a design requirement in most codes.
Dynamic analysis capabilities include the calculation of vibration modes using Ritz or eigen vectors, response-spectrum analysis, and time-history analysis for both linear and nonlinear behavior.
Response Spectrum
Response-spectrum analysis determines the statistically-likely response of a structure to seismic loading. This linear type of analysis uses response-spectrum ground-acceleration records based on the seismic load and site conditions, rather than time-history ground motion records. This method is extremely efficient and takes into account the dynamical behavior of the structure.
Time History
Time-history analysis captures the step-by-step response of structures to seismic ground motion and other types of loading such as blast, machinery, wind, waves, etc. Analysis can use modal superposition or direct-integration methods, and both can be linear or nonlinear. The nonlinear modal method, also called FNA for Fast Nonlinear Analysis, is extremely efficient and accurate for a wide class of problems. The direct-integration method is even more general, and can handle large deformations and other highly nonlinear behavior. Nonlinear time-history analyses can be chained together with other nonlinear cases (including staged construction) addressing a wide range of applications.
Buckling can be a design concern in a number of different piping applications including jacketed piping analysis, bowing due to thermal gradient, GRP and plastic piping, rack piping with intermediate anchors, and tall vertical risers among other design scenarios. Using both eigen buckling and nonlinear large displacement buckling analysis options, CSiPlant makes it convenient for engineers to check for buckling during design
Nonlinear Load Sequencing
CSiPlant offers unlimited nonlinear load sequencing, also known as path-dependent loading, which considers the order of the loading. Since friction acts in different directions during startup vs. shutdown and other load states, sequenced loading, including sequenced thermal loading and unloading, is often needed to determine worst case reactions and stresses
Deformed Geometry
Deformed geometry can be displayed based on any load or combination of loads, as well as animations of modes.
Pipe Frame Forces/Stresses
Display of pipe/frame forces and stresses can be based on load case, load combination, or modal case. Users can show resultant forces and stresses on any component in any direction. Control the stress contour appearance by showing undeformed, deformed, or extruded shapes, with or without loading values.
Tabular Output
CSiPlant has the ability to display tables for all input data, analysis results, and design results. Tables support sort, cut, copy, and paste for use in other programs. Print or save tabular data to Access, Excel, Word, HTML, or TXT.
Center of Gravity (CG) Calculations
Weight of equipment, cable trays and other items may be assigned as a distributed load or concentrated point loads in the analysis model. You can select which loads to include in a Center of Gravity (CG) case and multiple CG cases can be defined and evaluated in the same analysis.
Comprehensive Integration
CSiPlant allows for integration between piping stress and structural analysis programs. Import detailed SAP2000 structural analysis models into CSiPlant and auto-connect to the piping stress model for coupled nonlinear analysis and design. Import geometry from CII neutral file.
SAP2000 Interoperability
The model import from SAP2000 to CSiPlant is comprehensive and includes load assignments, frame sections and local axes, releases, grids, supports, mass definitions for static seismic and dynamic analysis cases, and other assignments and definitions. Reactions at pipe support locations from the coupled analysis in CSiPlant can be exported back into SAP2000 selectively with options to filter by pipe section and load case. Reactions from SAP2000 can then be exported into SAFE automatically for concrete foundation design to integrate foundation analysis and design with analysis of the structure and piping.